Thursday, 30 June 2016

Art Week

In Art Week we made up stories about turtles, dolphins and stingrays and retold them in our shadow puppet theatre with plenty of action.

We made bubbly paint with dye and dishwash liquid, and printed it on paper.  We have used some of the bubbles to decorate our collage fish art work.

Sunday, 12 June 2016

Weka Team Assembly

On Friday, the Weka Team led the school assembly.  The theme for our assembly was focused around the zones in the ocean: the sunlight zone, twilight zone and the midnight zone.  Room 19 introduced all the zones and then presented information about the sunlight zone using shadow puppets, fun facts and collage reef fish.  We wore our beach gear to set the mood - this also helped us when we were all surfing to 'Surfin USA' at the end.
The entire Weka Team sat on the stage.
Room 1 sat at the front at the start of the assembly.

CBS Cross Country 2016

Ready to race!

On Thursday, the whole school walked to Howick College to run the cross country.  We ran in year groups, divided into girls and boys.  Everyone completed the run in their best personal time.  Bianca and Samuel were placed in the Year 3 girls and the Year 3 boys respectively.

And the Year 3 girls are off . . . 
Bianca led down the first straight and was one of the first girls to finish.

. . . And then the boys are off!

Samuel was placed first in the Year 3 Boys Cross County. 
Bianca was placed in the Year 3 Girls Cross Country.

Science investigation with water and salt

We investigated what would happened if we carefully added dye to water - first to plain water and secondly to water with salt added, that is a saturated salt solution.

We had to practise our close observation skills and really think about what we were seeing.
We were surprised by the different results.

Butterfly Hospital

We were surprised to find one lone chrysalis in our Butterfly Garden late in Autumn.  Unfortunately the chysalis dropped from its branch as the butterfly was emerging.  The butterfly's wings were bent over and unable to dry out properly so we very carefully brought it into Room 19 to dry out.

Writing exemplar

After our trip to the Maritime Museum, everyone wrote about something special they had experienced.   Aasher's was chosen as an exemplar and displayed on the writing wall as his work showed us how to improve our own writing.  The display shows how Aasher checked the success criteria and then revisited his first draft to improve it.  Thank you, Aasher, your exemplar will help us all be better writers.

Mothers' Day flowers

For Mothers' Day, we gave our mums a flower, but not just any flower - a flower that we had created specially!  First we made different coloured solutions in test tubes, using dye from our art cupbaord.  Then we placed the white flowers in the test tubes.  The flowers sucked the dye up their stems by capillary action.  After a few hours, the dye travelled right up into the petals which changed colour, depending on the dye used - we created yellow, pink, red, blue and green flowers out of the original white ones.

Who am I? challenge

Everyone wrote a description about themselves.  The descriptions were organised into three sentences or 'clues'.  At the end, we had to decide who we thought the person was.  Sometimes the clues were easy to follow and we guessed correctly, sometimes the clues were too vague (not clear enough for the reader to follow) and we guessed incorrectly.  Either way, everyone has enjoyed reading them at SSR time.