Wednesday 20 July 2016

Giraffes Magic Show

The Giraffes read the trilogy, Moutaschio’s Best Magic Trick, Magic Show Review, and Magic Tricks.  As part of our reading contract,  everyone practiced one magic trick to perform at our magic show on the last day of term.  We also had to make a poster using Printshop 2 to advertise our show, and displayed it in Room 1, 2 and 18 so that all the Weka students had a chance to attend.  Every member had a ticket as they arrived, and every ticket holder received complimentary popcorn, so we had to design tickets and make popcorn as well.

All the magicians and the MC took at bow at the end.
Amber called for a member of the audience to help her.
Amber the Awesome
Daniel the Daring with a member of the audience assisting him.
David the Delightful
Emily the Excellent

George the Great
Kiera chose a member of the audience to help her.
Kiera the Champion
Nathan M selected two members of the audience to help him.
Natania the Natural was a fabulous MC who introduced each magician.
Nathan M the Magnificent
The show attracted a capacity audience. 
We had to cut out 100 tickets altogether!

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