Sunday, 6 March 2016

Our Butterfly Garden

We have converted the tub outside Room 19 into a Butterfly Garden.  Come and have a look at the Monarch caterpillars as they grow bigger and bigger.
First we spread the new garden soil evenly over the garden.  We checked that is was 3 centimetres all over using our rulers.
Then we spread the sheep pellets evenly over the new soil.  We measured the garden with a metre ruler and found that it was 1 metre wide and 2 1/2 metres long. Mrs Bear bought a 8kg bag of sheep pellets to make the soil super healthy for the swan plants.  Some strong people lifted it up to see how heavy 8 kilogram felt.  The instructions on the bag said we had to use 2 kg of pellets for each square metre so we used 5 kg.  Mrs Bear said that there was enough left over the make some tasty sheep pellet sandwiches, but we said that was OK, we would keep them to use in our next garden instead. 
After we had planted the swan plants we searched for caterpillars.  We had to use our eagle eyes and magnifying glasses because some baby ones were only one centimetre long.  We counted 22 altogether.
Our job now is to water the swan plants and keep the caterpillars safe, by using our eyes and not our fingers to follow their progress.

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